Who I AM?


On this blog I want to share my travel stories and show you how to travel the same way I do. Cheap, incredible and out of your comfort zone!

Sure, I do “normal” stuff like visiting cities on a weekend trip and just do backpacking the same way others do as well, but what about hiking alone to Machu Picchu for 100 km in the Andes Mountains in Peru? Or paddling in a cheap inflatable dinghy for 150 km from Prague to Dresden? What about travelling in the 3rd class of the Russian Transsiberian Railway after sleeping in traditional yurts on an island in the Baikal Lake in Siberia? Or living for a few months in India with monkeys that try to break into your appartment and steal your stuff? Not enough? …Lets talk about how to cycle over 2000 km from Germany to the polar circle then!

That’s only a fraction of what I’ve done and I feel the urge to share all my stories with you! After 8 years of constant exploring, I experienced so many places, met so many people and found out information on the way that I wish I would’ve had beforehand. I want you to experience the places even better than I did and the only thing you have to do is following this blog!


My Parents are Russian-Germans (Germans that lived for many generations in Russia and later in Kazakhstan). They migrated to Germany in 1996 and a year later I was born 🥳). I spent my childhood in a small city near Frankfurt, growing up with both Russian and German.

At the age of nine I moved to Bremen where I spent my youth and finished my A-Levels (Abitur) with a focus on Aerospace Engineering at 18. Right after finishing school I cycled to the polar circle in Norway! Precisely at my 19th Birthday I started to study Aerospace Engineering at Dresden University of Technology and added a second degree in Economy two years after. You can notice, there is something important about Aerospace in my life. The reason for that is my everlasting dream to become an Astronaut!


In 2019 I spent two semesters abroad. After I finished a semester at University of Alberta in Canada and did a quick Christmas and New Years Eve Holiday in the Philipines and Malaysia I went straight to India for my second semester abroad at IIT Madras where I lived for 2 1/2 months. Pretty short semester huh? Well, I had to leave India with the notice of a few days because the country was about to get fully locked down! Covid’s greeting! After two years of studying from home and only doing minor trips like hitchhiking Germany and riding my motorcycle in the alps I finally got to do an amazing 3 1/2 months trip to South America! The journey inspired me so much, that I decided to share my experiences and this blog was founded. Welcome to my Story!